April D.'s review of TracFone Wireless, Inc.

TracFone Wireless, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/22/2010
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Review 6/22/2010
There is no way this company deserves an A+ rating! My husband is military and we do move around a bit. When my husband was stationed in Ga. We started a contract with a cell phone company and sat with the rep. and went through available phone numbers. We choose phone numbers there exactly the same except for one number difference. My husband has a bad memory so this would make it easier for him. The last four digits where 3456 and 3455. Easy to remember. The cell company was great until they where changed over to verizon wireless. We have dealt with verizon before and do not like them. So in March of 2010 we purchased straight talk phones and $30. Service cards.
I went through all the steps to have our cell numbers changed over to the straight talk cellphones. The first 30 days where great. After the 30 days I bought two more $30 service cards. My husbands phone worked great but mine was coming back with strange error messages. I tried applying the service card online and it would tell me the phone number was not a straight talk number or that the phone had to be activated first. I would try to re-active it and would get a message stating the phone was already active. I spent hours on the phone with straight talk customer service. They received the same messages. They told me that they had to reset my account and to call back in 24 hours. I would call back, spend hours on the phone, and get told the same thing. This went on for a couple weeks. Then they changed their response saying the error message was do to the fact that my phone number had not completed in the porting processes and to call back in 24 hours and it would be fixed. I called back repeatedly for weeks about this and got told the same thing each time I called. Then, I requested to speak to a manager. The manager then told me because the area code where we are living now does not match the area code of the phone number the phone number could not be ported and I would need a new phone number. I asked how this was possible when my husbands phone number ported just fine and we had recharged his phone three times. They said his phone number must have slipped through some how but they could not port my number do to the area code. They where going to change my number to a new number and to call back in 24 hours. I called them back and received that same line for a few more weeks. Every time I called they said I had not been put in for a new number, they where going to put in for a new number and call back in 24 hours. It has been about 3 months of this now and it is still not fixed and I still can not use my phone. My husband's phone however still works great. I don't get it. These people are awful and you spend hours on the phone on hold and then get someone that you can't understand half the time and with horrible reception. These people should really be put out of business.
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Hours   Phone   (800) 876-5753 Address   9700 NW 112 Ave.
Medley, FL 33178
Website   http://www.tracfone.com Email  
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