Unhappy Customer F.'s review of Romantic Threads

Romantic Threads

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/21/2020
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Unprofessional, avoid purchasing.
Everything was fine until I paid for the gown. Belinda said she'd have dress done in June, never did, then in July, never did, then when she finally sent it the 3rd week of August, she did the colors I requested wrong and is using every excuse under the sun as to why she's not responsible for it. She uses a lot of excuses, from personal health to taking care of her mother. Which are understandable, but if you cannot handle running your business, you need to shut it down until you can run it again. Belinda needs to hire someone to reply to emails for her because she doesn't do so in a professional manner. She tries to make you feel guilty and like you're the one who is in the wrong after you've paid for a service. Edit: Since she's hinting that she's going to use the pandemic as an excuse in emails to me. I paid for my gown in November 2019, and had ALL the details to her in October 2019, plenty of time for her to order all the supplies she needed before the pandemic hit the United States in February 2020. Edit 2: I'm not sure what she's talking about concerning a second review, but the proof in how unprofessional she can be is in her reply. Speculating if someone "needed money" in response to a bad review is slanderous. The truth is when someone takes the time to leave a bad review, it means the company has not delivered on the promised product.
Business's response - by Belinda B.on 10/23/2020
Ok, I guess Stormy here is begging for a response from me...since she just wrote a 2nd review on the same page, so I will go ahead and answer! Not much of what she says makes sense, so I will just post the facts. FACTS: She designed her gown "idea" off my rainbow fae gown. She wanted it in rainbow colors with skulls, not something I would ever do on my own. If anyone wants to see an image of it and my story about her, just look for the rainbow colored gown on my Instagram! I specifically told her the gown could take up to a year. I told her that twice because I reminded her of that when she started incessantly nagging. SHE said she needed it in her hands the latest in August, I had it done with images APPROVED BY HER by mid August. She was being weird by then....so I photographed everything! IF you are a busy gown maker you do gown orders in the order received, or when you have agreed to have them done by. You do not run out and buy everything for that gown immediately, because you are working through several gowns. Most people understand this. So after January when I am in wedding season, she starts nagging. When I say nagging, if I were to pull up her name and emails back and forth, there are around 200. That is excessive. Most customers send between 2 and 10 emails during the process- so clearly there is an issue here. Because she was sending so many about her gown- I wanted to be done with it so I said I would try to do it earlier. THEN the pandemic hit. Everybody with any understanding of the world understands that that changed everything. Fabric stores closed for 3 months min. I couldn't get interfacing anywhere. BUT- I knew it was fine, because there was still plenty of time before her August deadline. She chose to make the situation bad. I specifically told her BEFORE she ordered hers could take up to a year. Most other orders I do not say that long, but I wanted to cover myself with this one. This is one of my hardest gowns, she had asked for specific colors I had to track down...I had to order "rhinestone skulls" from the U.K., I had to have Skull appliqués hand made by another seller on Etsy to match the colors. AND, I had to make the gown in a size 5X. I do not even offer a size 5X, my gowns all go up to a max of 3X. SO- I did not charge her extra for any of those things, the items I ordered and paid for out of my cost...the two slips I sent her since there is a long and short skirt. Speaking of slips, I sent a short tulle slip and a hoop skirt. She actually tried to lie and say they weren't in the box- but because she was acting so weird I took photos of everything as I put it in the box to protect myself. I sent her the photos, I had to ask 4 times what her response was...? She finally says oh I am not digging around in this box under this gown you ruined. So she is already complaining and writing reviews online but doesn't even have the gown out of the box?? lol. SO in short, I did everything she asked for: 5 piece gown using 6 custom colors, 300 rhinestones, hand sewn flowers, rhinestone skulls, dyed skull appliqués and in a size 5X, all in the time frame she asked for it. She was shown photos of the tulle colors and approved everything before I started. Sent her first batch of photos on mannequin for her approval, she wanted more tulle under the short skirt...but tried to say I am tired of waiting send it anyway. I said Oh no! after all this work I want you to be happy with it...so I added more tulle, sent NEW photos that SHE APPROVED of and said thanks. The photos are very clear and she approved. She said two things when she got it: colors are in the wrong order, and slips are not in the box. I was pretty confused- what do you mean I say? Never once in 200 emails did she ever say I want the colors in an exact order or I will not like my gown. I am not making the gown for me, I am making it for her. So I do to the gown what she asks for. You never know someones true intentions, maybe she needed money? then saying slips were not in the box....was all very shady. THIS is the reason so many gown makers no longer do custom. I can make 20 regular gowns in the time frame it takes to deal with this one...it is a waste of time, and a lose-lose situation. I will NEVER take on an order like this again. Yes, and I had a cold beginning of the year it happens....and taking care of my elderly mother who lives alone during a pandemic, it goes without saying. Someone like her should have a gown made locally or by her Auntie. She ordered from me because she clearly liked my gowns....if a dressmakers gowns are liked, then they are busy. She doesn't want to wait on her agreed upon time frame.
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