I trusted them until their moving crew stole my jewelry box and my memories
I thought this group were saint-like. I had used them on several local moves and when the moving crew came, I treated them like family. We were going to be moving cross-country. I had a box for my personal belongings including family heirlooms, jewelry, medications and other such stuff. It was tucked away on top of a tall armoire. As I was loading my personal stuff, I was called away by a member of the crew and then I saw my armoire wrapped up to be loaded. The box was sealed and next to my luggage for the move. As it turns out, the jewelry box never made it into the box. Someone on the crew took it and sealed the box and moved it along with items covering it to make it appear that they were packed up and ready for our cars. I contacted the company immediately upon finding out that the items (including my wedding ring, my parents' wedding rings, and so much more) were stolen before we moved. I contacted the LAPD. NorthStar began by assigning us "Monique" who was going to investigate and get right back to us the same day. She didn't. Then I YELPED them and "Lauren" wrote that they would get back to us within 24-48 hours. They didn't. Then "Wendy" contacted us by email saying she would CALL us by the end of the week and when she didn't, we called her. She then sent an email stating that the movers thought I was wonderful and were very sad by my loss and that she needed an extra WEEK to investigate. In the entire time that they have been "investigating," they have never spoken to us about what we know, what we lost, and have limited their inquiries to what my jewelry box looked like and repeatedly trying to make this appear as if the "jewelry box" magically was misplaced. I am never going to give up looking for my great grandfather's pocket watch or my mother's wedding and anniversary rings or my wedding ring, or my father's wedding ring, or the necklace she had made for me for graduation or the rings that dad had made for mom during their 54 years of marriage...and so much more. They will melt it down but I won't forget and intend on keeping this in the public arena so that everyone knows how this company who claims to be squeaky clean operates. They are trying to whitewash this. They are paying lip service to this purported "internal investigation" and have NEVER SPOKEN TO US ABOUT OUR LOSS. How can anyone investigate without talking to the victims? This feels like emotional rape. I can not tell you how violated I feel after giving them 5 stars and emptying my savings account to give them a sizable tip for their entire crew.