kf1585's review of Helio, LLC

Helio, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/14/2008
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Review 1/14/2008
It seems to be very apparent that these problems with Helio are problems that EVERYONE has so maybe they will listen one day and change before their company grounds themselves into non-existence. I will tell my story anyway. I ordered a new phone through the website, a second line, in September and let me tell ya that phone was HIDEOUS. It was the fin and literally it looked like the size of a fin and it was this ugly blue color....anyway so I returned it through UPS a day or two after I got it and that was BIG mistake number one....Helio apparently only processes things in a timely manner when they are sent Fed EX...a rep literally told me that...DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE??????? I didn't think so either...So, because I sent it UPS the Helio people told me it would take a month for a refund. So, I waited a month or so. Nothing came. I called maybe every day until halfway through November when I started to get really mad because they said they don't have proof that they have even RECEIVED the phone unless I give them the tracking number for the package. I hunted the tracking number down and gave it to a rep named Ashley, and she said she would expedite the research and get a refund within the next couple of weeks. HA! I called a couple weeks later and they had no record of even receiving a tracking number!!! So, being a former call center rep for Hewitt Associates, I said please pull the recorded calls and listen to any of my pleas with these people, I have been waiting months for this refund...the supervisor in the call center said he DIDN'T have the authority to do that so EMAIL the Helio customer service center and ask to have the calls pulled. SO, I was a fool and I did. Well, guess what! I got an email back saying they don't have a record of the important phone calls that I made so they had NO proof of anything. A call center that doesn't record their phone calls? That sounds like a lawsuit...Then, I get a bill for $350 because I never activated that phone, and I called Helio and they told me it was an early termination fee. Ok, so you can charge me to terminate service because the phone clearly isn't with me...but you can't give me my refund??? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Well, the good news was that I raised enough hell to get my money back from the 'early termination' fee issue because I was definitely within 30 days when I returned that phone. So, WOO HOO for that but the bigger issue is STILL not resolved but rest assured...once I get this refund I am using it to cancel my service and moving to a company that deserves my money. No one in Chicago has even heard of Helio anyway...
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (866) 794-8049 Address   10 Independence Blvd.
Warren, NJ 07059
Website   http://www.helio.com Email  
Contact   Tier 3 Premier Support Other  
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